Herbal Medicine Making, Part 2

So buying commercially prepared herbal supplements can certainly be a pricey alternative to trotting off to the doctor for every cough and sniffle. Especially if you need more than one particular remedy or supplement to optimally treat the ailment. How well I understand this. But what are the alternatives?

Making your own medicine is not that difficult.

First  it’s good to have within reach a couple of good resources to help guide you in your endeavors. My favorites are: Rosemary Gladstar’s Herbal Remedies for Children’s Health by Rosemary Gladstar, Be Your Own Doctor by Rachel Weaver, and Growing 101 Herbs that Heal: Gardening Techniques, Recipes, and Remedies by Tammi Hartung.

There are also excellent online resources as well. One in particular is The Bulk Herb Store: http://www.bulkherbstore.com/ From here there is a link to their video tutorials on making herbal remedies: http://www.bulkherbstore.com/youtube?id=pvUiozBu.

There are various ways we can use herbs medicinally and some work best through different applications. The particular ailment can also be a guide in choosing which method to utilize in any given situation. Most people instantly think of tea when they think of herbs used as medicine. There are also tinctures, glycerites, encapsulation, salves, poultices, soaks, and baths to name a few. I intend to post pictorial tutorials on making teas, tinctures, glycierites, and salves. And just cover the basics of encapsulation, poultices, soaks and baths.

As we explore the different options of self-treating through the medicinal use of herbs, I hope you find your appetite whet and your interest piqued in the options available for your family’s health and well-being. No the use of herbal medicine does not have to break the monthly budget and you can effectively treat your family’s health needs from home.


One comment on “Herbal Medicine Making, Part 2

  1. Beth says:

    this is something I am very interested in.. looking forward to learning more about how to. Thanks

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